Gregg Price Gallery
The Nieu Bethesda story began for me around 25 years ago. As a teenager in Johannesburg, I was captivated by the plays of Athol Fugard at the Market theatre. This led me to the movie version of “The road to mecca”. There began my introduction to “The owl house”, and the extraordinary life of Helen Martins in the small Karoo village of Nieu Bethesda. Through the years that followed, Nieu Bethesda became a place of pilgrimage, a stopover on road trips to the coast. Much later, on an impulse, I purchased some land at the northern end of the village. This act was a roll of the dice, a coin tossed in a wishing well. The hope was that I could have a future story set in this evocative part of the world. Thus began a journey, which led to the opening of the Gregg Price gallery in December 2018.

The Labyrinth
In January 2018 my eldest son William took his own life. In the struggle to come to terms with the loss of my son, my wife and I traveled to Chartres Cathedral in France.
We explored the labyrinth through a course titled ‘beyond the boundaries of loss and grief’, which proved to be a seminal experience towards healing. We built a stone labyrinth (based on the design of the Chartres Cathedral), as a way to honour the life of William. We offer the labyrinth experience to the community and travelers passing through Nieu Bethesda.